GSUG – Training room

The project :


A few months ago, the Center Universitaire Spatial de Grenoble, called the CSUG, launched a call for tenders with the objective of creating a videoconferencing and training room equipped with the latest tools: elliptical-shaped table, layout of screens and audio, integration of 3 interactive touch screens, videoconferencing system, control of the whole by a touch screen.


Thanks to its expertise as a meeting room project manager, MOTILDE was able to offer the best solution. The latter is made up of a tailor-made layout, equipped with three interactive screens, a dual-camera videoconferencing system that automatically frames on the person speaking, a screen control system, the integration of video and audio in the space and finally an ergonomically shaped table so that everyone can see and be seen in a videoconference.

The control system authorizes the display of the content of each participant on the screen of their choice, as well as the display of the remote site in videoconference.

Some pictures of the project:

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